Ask Bad Mommy: How to get started with edibles

Dear Bad Mommy,

I never tried pot before, but now that it’s legal I like the idea of trying low-dose edibles.  How do I try it without overdosing? 

Looking for a little fun 

Hello LFALF,

Welcome to the wonderful world of cannabis.  Jump right in, the waters are warm, soft, relaxing, clouds... sorry where was I?   Oh yes, my recommendation.  

When trying out edibles, of any kind, I suggest that you go slow and start low.  The most scientific way to test weed, yes science, is on an empty stomach so your liver metabolizes it as quickly as possible. That way you will also know how the cannabis will hit your system without any food in the way to muddle the digestion of your dose.  

Your first time you should take a dose of 2.5mg or less- no more! If this means eating 1/4th of the chocolate square you bought, don’t be embarrassed.  Avoid alcohol so you can track the effect of cannabis alone. Also, cannabis and alcohol mix poorly so it’s a good idea to pick one. 

Gauge your feelings over the next two hours.  Do you feel better? Mellower? Happier? Relaxed? If yes?  Congratulations, you now know 2.5mg THC is the right dose for you! If not, no problem.  Wait a day and try 5mg THC the next time.  

Remember, while every product is labeled with doses, they will hit your system differently.  If you think edible-sampling might be a new hobby of yours, we recommend keeping track in a weed journal. 

Now get out there enjoy!